Everlasting Green Plantscape, LLC
Plants that are good in medium light. Click on the images to see more details.

The mass can is a nice option if you want a taller plant for your space. They prefer a medium light environment.

Aglaonemas come in many different varieties. The silver bay has a lighter colored foliage. They prefer a medium light environment.

The aglaonema mary ann has darker colored foliage with smaller leaves. They prefer a medium light environment.

The dracaena warneckii comes in a bright lemon lime variety. They prefer a medium light environment.

The dracaena compacta has dark green foliage tightly compacted together. They prefer a medium light environment.

The sansevieria, also known as a snake plant is a very hardy plant. It does well in a medium light environment.

The Janet Craig plant has long dark green leaves. It does best in a medium light environment.

The zz plant is a very popular plant. It has glossy green leaves and is very hardy. It likes a medium light environment.

The heart leaf philodendron is a very hardy plant with delicate green foliage. It grows well in medium light.

The pothos plant is very hardy. It comes in a green and also marble variety. They are perfect for an office setting. They grow well in a medium light environment.

The dracaena rikki plant comes in a lemon lime variety. It has long slender leaves and prefers medium light.

The marginata plant, also know as a dragon tree is a good option for a tall plant. It has long slender leaves and prefers a medium light environment.
Some tropical houseplants may be poisonous to pets.
More plant varieties available.